Roman Catholic in faith, we are catholic also because of our diversity. We have among us all kinds of nationalities under the sun! You name it, we have it! We are cosmopolitan, so to say. Proud of all our various kind of differences, we are more proud of our oneness. We are not all the same, but we are united in the Lord.
We, the faith community of St. Callistus Parish welcome every person to share and celebrate the living of our Christian faith. In this family, nourished by the Sacraments and the Word of God, nurtured by worship and prayer, strengthened by compassion and understanding, we witness to the unconditional love of Christ in the sharing of our gifts and talents for the Glory of God and the building up of His Kingdom on Earth.
St. Callistus Parish is a faith-filled Catholic community. We come together to celebrate and give thanks to God for his living and loving presence and action in our lives.
We accept the following goals to grow as God's people, especially:
As a welcoming community, honoring diversity
As a caring community, reaching beyond ourselves into the greater community, to bring to life the Word of God.
As a loyal community, working together in union with Christ for the service of others, becoming a joyful, loving, accepting and uniting community
Marina Zamora
Office Manager/Bookkeeper
Gilbert Estrada
Administrative Assistant
We have 2 councils that assist the Pastor in running the parish.
Leadership Council
Pastoral Council