St. Callistus Church wants to better communicate with you through email and text using Flocknote.com. Through these uncertain times, we need to use tools that Flocknote offers to get you the information quickly, efficiently, and dynamically.
If you have not yet signed up, please go to the Flocknote Signup Instructions page.
About Flocknote: This organization caters to faith-based groups and churches like us to effectively communicate with parishioners. Many of the other local Catholic churches use this communication tool already. Your information is kept safe and secure, but the site and functionality allow YOU to control what types of communications you receive from us. You may unsubscribe from any updates at any time, too!
Once you signup, please check the ministry group(s) you belong to or wish to join. Also, to make sure these emails do not go to to your junk folder, please make sure to accept emails from email@flocknote.com.
If you have any trouble, go to this URL for additional help at https://help.flocknote.com/article/68-vanity-ttj-register.
Our keyword is stcallistus2020.
Afterwards, if at any time you wish to update your information at Flocknote, go to stcallistus.flocknote.com.
Thank you for your cooperation and keeping us flocked together in these unusual times.