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LENT 2025

Family Activity for Lent

PRAY for Your family, friends, activities or events

2025 Lent Activity Image.PNG

Make a list of 40 people you and your family want to pray for. It is surprisingly easy to come up with 40 names. The first names you may come up with are always family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Think of everyone who touches yours and your family’s life. You may also include any special upcoming events you would like to pray for.


After your list is made, on the cut strips of construction paper, write one name on each strip with a sharpie. Put your strips in a vase or container.


Each day of Lent pull a strip and pray for that person or event throughout the day. Once you have pulled the strip out, add to your paper chain with tape. As Lent goes on, the paper chain gets longer. Then at Easter, you can use the chain as part of your decorations.

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